
How To Get Rid Of Boxelder Bugs Outside

Box Elder Bugs


Box elder bugs, also known as box elder beetles, can be of a nuisance for a homeowner, especially during the fall and spring time. You can pretty much find them anywhere in the United States. Moreover, Box elder bugs usually come together when there is a female box elder tree present. While these pests can devour a variety of plants, they prefer the seed pod from a female box elder. Box elder bugs are highly attracted to these seed pods. Therefore, the most effective way to get rid of box elder bugs is to remove any female box elder trees in the premise. Box elder bugs are not as pestering as mosquitoes, house flies or ants. The worst that can be announced regarding box elder bugs is that they can stain light colored surfaces (clothing, drapes, etc.) with their fecal matter. In addition, if you choose to step on one, it will release a horrid smell. Now, that might not seem as bad compared to other insect pests, however if you were a homeowner with your yard covered with these bugs you will empathize. If you grow fruits in your yard, well, I have bad news for you (if you do have a box elder bug infestation on your hands). There has been evidence of fruit deformities cause by the bite of a box elder bug.


First you should try to classify nearby trees and find out whether or not they are female box elders. In almost every case, the removal of this tree can simplify the elimination of these bugs. Second, search for possible openings outside of your home. Box elder bugs seek warmth, so during cold nights they would find themselves making their way into your home through very small cracks and crevices. Finding these tiny inserts and sealing them will definitely help in preventing further infestations.


When box elder bugs get indoors there is only one true way to kick them back out and that is to use a vacuum. It is suggested to use a strong vacuum with an inner seal. Remember, box elder bugs release a horrid smell, so do not smash them. Your goal is to get rid of them as fast as you can for they will release an odor to attract more of their friends. Besides vacuuming, you could also set up traps. Traps are very useful when you encounter hard to reach places such as basements, ceilings and crawlspaces. A glue boards are the ideal traps when dealing with box elder bugs.


To help get rid of your box elder bug problem, fast acting pyrethroids are recommended. FenvaStar, which yields 20 gallons of finished products, is suggested for larger infestations. Demon WP Envelope, which yields 2 gallons of finished product, is ideal for smaller size infestations. When applying these insecticides you want to focus on these key areas:

These products can be used with this item:

These products can be used with these items:

When applying these insecticides you want to focus on these key areas:

  1. Attic Vents
  2. Windows
  3. Doors
  4. Soffits
  5. Utility Service Openings

Besides the listed areas above, you should also consider any other possible entry points where box elder bugs could make their way indoors.

Crack and Crevice/Void Treatment:

You can use liquid sprays (LambdaStar 9.7% CS, FenvaStar EcoCap ), dust ( DELTA DUST), or aerosol forms ( CY-KICK AEROSOL).  When applying a liquid insecticide, we suggest using a hand gallon sprayer . During the application, you must use the exact amount instructed on the product label provided. Spray into the cracks and crevices for long lasting effect. In addition, you will have to spray around door frames, window frames and sills, visible cracks on wall moldings, walls and cabinets. Void treatments are suggested when areas are hard to reach. In this case, you will need to make an access point. For example, you could drill a whole into the wall near the infested area or just remove an electric outlet covering close by. Afterwards, you can then apply the liquid spray onto the empty spaces in the walls. Be careful around the electric objects because you are using a liquid. When using a dust insecticide, it is recommended to use a duster (BELLOW BULB DUSTER) to ensure the right amount is applied. Use the amount instructed on the product label. When using the duster, be sure to just fill the duster halfway and DO NOT OVER DUST. In addition, do not apply dust insecticides where children or pets may come to close proximity. Also, do not directly into the hole, but rather around the void because there is a good chance that the dust might blow out. When using aerosol forms ( CY-KICK AEROSOL) be sure to use to suggested amount along with the straw attachment when directly applying into crack and crevices.

Barrier Treatment:

A barrier treatment, also known as a perimeter treatment, is used when wanting to make a barricade around your home to further prevent box elder bugs from getting in. Usually, this certain treatment comprises of applying only liquid insecticides (LambdaStar 9.7% CS, FenvaStar EcoCap ). Treatment focuses on soil areas around your home and also the outside walls. Directly apply, using the hand gallon sprayer, the liquid insecticide on the walls (up to 2 feet high) and the ground (up to 3 feet away from the structure).

How To Get Rid Of Boxelder Bugs Outside


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