
Windows Phone 8.1 Preview users still need to downgrade their OS in order to get Lumia Cyan

Earlier today, AT&T announced that their Lumia 1520 is now receiving the Lumia Cyan and Windows Telephone eight.1 updates. However, it chop-chop became evident that those with the Preview for Developers installed on their Lumia 1520s did not have an update, but those with Windows Phone viii.0 did. The reason for the discrepancy is Microsoft has put on hold updates for those running the Preview.

As such, those who are on the Preview and who however want the Lumia Cyan update demand to downgrade their Bone starting time. This is still Microsoft'southward position on the state of affairs.

The original event stems from those who were using the Preview for Developers version of Windows Telephone viii.ane and who have BitLocker encryption enabled (through their employer). Although those afflicted are a small minority of users, when they installed the official viii.1 update, it caused the phone to lockup. Every bit a precaution, Microsoft halted the Preview program for everyone. In a previous argument to Windows Telephone Primal, Microsoft brash:

"We are currently investigating the result. We have paused commitment of the update to customers using the Preview for Developers, and will resume once a fix is in place. Customers whose phones have been afflicted should use the Nokia Software Recovery Tool to render your Lumia to a normal commercial software state earlier downloading the Lumia Cyan update. More information about the tool tin can exist found at world wide"

Microsoft is sticking with that statement today, and information technology applies to those with the Lumia 1520 on AT&T who would similar to update now to Lumia Cyan. Presumably Microsoft volition eventually push button out a fix for the Preview program to permit carrier updates to keep, however, as of today they have no ETA on that update or anything further to add. In other words, it could be days or weeks.

This situation is not limited to Lumia 1520 owners on AT&T, as it applies to anyone who is on the Preview for Developers version of the Os and are eligible for the Lumia Cyan update.

What to practice next

Those people wishing to grab the Lumia Cyan update today for their Lumia 1520 demand to downgrade the OS to Windows Phone 8.0 get-go. The choice to not downgrade is upwards to the user, but Microsoft is advising the returning the phone to eight.0. Users can take a wait-and-encounter approach if they want.

Before proceeding, you lot are advised to support your device first (Settings > Fill-in > App + settings > Back up now) before starting the restore process.

Download and install Nokia Recovery Software Tool

Now yous need to catch the necessary software to restore Windows Telephone 8.0.

  • Nokia Recovery Software Tool (U.South.)
  • Nokia Recovery Software Tool (U.One thousand.)

Proceed to install the software on your Windows vii or higher PC.

  • Open Nokia Software Recovery Tool
  • Connect your Lumia to the PC with a USB cable
  • Yous volition see which software version y'all can install on your Lumia – Click install below that
  • You volition demand to acknowledge that the information and content on your telephone will be erased. If you can still admission your telephone, brand a backup by going into settings -> backup . You will also need to know that photos, music and apps will be wiped during this reset procedure. Click that you understand then click continue.
  • You will at present begin downloading the software. Network speeds vary, merely your download might accept about xv minutes.
  • The software volition now begin installing to your phone. Do not utilize your phone or disconnect the cable during this step. Simply become for a quick walk while your telephone and PC do their thing.

In one case you are dorsum on Windows Phone 8.0, you lot can then proceed to download the Windows Telephone 8.1 and Lumia Cyan update from AT&T. As shortly as that is completed, y'all tin can hard-reset the phone. The reason for the hard reset is so that the Os can offer up the Restore process from the backup you created before. Of class, if yous prefer to start completely over, then you lot do non demand to wipe the device.

More than on the Nokia Recovery Software Tool process is available in our tutorial.


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