
How Do I Put Money Into An Electrum Wallet?

add funds bitcoin wallet

You lot may have simply downloaded or purchased your outset Bitcoin wallet, just now want to know how to add coins to information technology.

Doing your beginning transfer from an exchange to a wallet tin be intimidating for first timers. Simply this is a very important step to securing your investment in cryptocurrency. Again, you should never leave your bitcoin on an exchange unless yous are going to sell it immediately.

So while this may seem like a redundant and confusing task, don't worry! In this short guide, nosotros will show you how to add together coins to your Bitcoin wallet. Once yous are finished you'll be a pro at this very mutual process.

By the end, you'll encounter how like shooting fish in a barrel it is to send and receive Bitcoins from anyone you want!

Only kickoff, in case you lot haven't got a wallet notwithstanding, check out our picks below:

Best for Security

folded ledger nano x

Ledger Nano Ten

Secure storage for any cryptocurrency

Visit Website

The Ledger Nano X is the newest crypto hardware wallet, and is very easy to use. Information technology connects to iOS, Android & desktop computers.

Temporary Wallet

coinbase logo


Best for buying bitcoins & cryptocurrency

Acquire More

Coinbase is NOT a wallet. You tin can use it to buy bitcoins, but ship them out of Coinbase after ownership.

Best for Desktop

electrum logo


Uncomplicated yet powerful desktop wallet

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Electrum is a Bitcoin-simply wallet that has been around since 2011. It's easy to utilise, but has advanced features.


On a technical level, your wallet is more like a window onto the Bitcoin network that y'all command with your own electronic private keys. Whether you utilize a super secure hardware wallet like the Ledger Nano X, a user-friendly mobile app like the BRD wallet or an one-time school favorite Electrum you'll need to be certain to proceed your private keys safety.

I have a wallet, exercise I have to buy a whole bitcoin?

It's a common misconception to think that you lot demand to buy one whole bitcoin at a time. These days, that would exist quite an expensive effort. You can check out the current cost of one bitcoin, here.

Instead, the inventor of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, made it possible to divide 1 bitcoin into 100,000,000 pieces.


Ane bitcoin is divisible to viii decimal places and you can own as little every bit 0.00000001 bitcoin. In reality, about places where you can buy bitcoin allow you to spend every bit footling equally $five at a time.

In 2010 an early on member of the Bitcointalk customs, Ribuk, proposed the proper noun 'satoshi' for the smallest unit of a bitcoin, and the name stuck. In recent years information technology's become common to use the phrase "stacking sats" for buying and property small amounts of bitcoin in guild to periodically accrue more of the coin.

The best identify to buy your first bitcoin is on an commutation

Wallets themselves tend not to give you the choice to buy and sell bitcoin for fiat. So, you're going to accept to notice a trustworthy and low-cost exchange, and and then send the coins from the exchange to your wallet.

An ideal fiat cryptocurrency exchange for people just getting started is Coinbase. For the following reasons:

  • It has the about simple and like shooting fish in a barrel to use user interface
  • It'due south quick to get verified so y'all can buy bitcoin almost instantly
  • There are bully mobile apps for Android and iPhone
  • Coinbase is a regulated and FDIC insured substitution

Three important factors for choosing which commutation is the right choice for yous are reputation, fees and speed:


withdraw btc

It's sad to say, but a lot of exchanges in the past turned out to exist scams. That means the longer an substitution has been around, building upward a positive reputation, the less likely it is to be a bad actor in the infinite.

Yous tin too check if the exchange is regulated in your office of the world. We reviewed the pinnacle exchanges we would recommend, here.


withdraw btc

Some other important gene in choosing the right exchange to fund your bitcoin wallet is to compare how much they will accuse for converting your fiat to bitcoin.

On boilerplate the fees for credit bill of fare purchases are effectually 4%. If yous send your money via bank transfer you lot usually salvage on fees and can wait to pay somewhere betwixt 1 and 1.five%.


withdraw btc

Finally it'southward important to look at how quickly volition you be able to purchase and then receive your coins. Information technology'south interesting to notation that a lot of the bug connected with how quickly you tin fund your Bitcoin wallet, are actually due to the slowness of the legacy financial systems, and not cryptocurrency itself.

However, it'southward a good idea to look at waiting times and withdrawal limits for the purchasing method of your choice as it's never a good feeling to be defenseless out by these kind of factors when you want to buy some Bitcoin in a hurry.

Credit card purchases are usually quicker than bank transfers, but they come up at a college cost.


Exercise NOT get comfortable leaving your cryptocurrency on an substitution. Ideally you should send your money to an exchange, purchase your crypto, and then withdraw the coins immediately to a secure hardware wallet like the Ledger Nano X.

ledger nano x folded

ledger nano s illustration

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  • RELEASED: 2018
  • PRICE: $320

Trezor One

How to withdraw to your wallet

The first few times you withdraw to a bitcoin wallet it tin feel a bit nerve-racking. Y'all do need to be careful and ensure that you follow the steps carefully. Wallets that have modernistic user interfaces and easy to follow step-past-step processes volition assistance reduce the take a chance of you making a mistake.

Equally an example, if you are withdrawing from your Coinbase account to your Ledger Nano X you would follow these steps:

1. Select 'Transport'

Select 'Send' and choose the coin you want to withdraw from your exchange account. You tin can send as piddling or as much as your BTC as you wish, only be aware that each withdrawal will have a fee. One time you lot are comfortable sending and receiving bitcoin it is worth learning a picayune more about transaction fees and how you tin can minimize the costs.

coinbase send bitcoin

Transport from coinbase

2. Get a Receiving Address

Log in to your Ledger Live account and follow the instructions to re-create your wallet address then that y'all can input information technology in Coinbase as the receiving address. First yous must connect and unlock your Ledger, and then open up the Bitcoin app on your device.

connect ledger device

Connect and unlock your Ledger

3. Verify and Copy Receiving Accost

Next, check the Bitcoin accost that is showing on your device. It should be your Bitcoin wallet address, and nobody else's.

verify ledger device

Verify your Bitcoin address

And so, use the app to copy the address from Ledger Alive, or scan the QR code that shows in Ledger live.

The most important thing is to brand sure that the wallet address you send your bitcoin to (the long string of numbers and letters) is correct. If you lot send your bitcoin to a dissimilar address past blow there is no mode of getting your money dorsum. And so exist conscientious.

4. Give Exchange Your Receiving Address

From your Coinbase or other exchange account, double cheque the address by sight to ensure you lot are sending the bitcoin to your wallet accost.

coinbase address input

Copy the address to Coinbase

How long will it take till my bitcoin arrives?

That depends. If you lot get into the side by side block, you Bitcoin volition make it in your wallet within most 10 minutes. This is the time it takes to go one confirmation on the Blockchain.

Below is a quick guide that will tell you how many confirmations you should wait and how long that volition take.


Payments with 0 confirmations can all the same be reversed! Expect for at least one.


1 confirmation is enough for modest Bitcoin payments less than $i,000. 10 infinitesimal wait.


Enough for payments $1,000 - $10,000. Most exchanges crave iii confirmations for deposits. 30 minute wait.


Enough for large payments betwixt $10,000 - $ane,000,000. Six is standard for near transactions to exist considered secure. sixty minute wait.


Suggested for large payments greater than $1,000,000. Less is likely fine, but this is to be safe! 10 hour await.

About the Writer: Jordan Tuwiner

jordan tuwiner

Jordan Tuwiner is the founder of His piece of work has been featured in The Guardian, International Business Times, Forbes, VentureBeat, CoinDesk and many other elevation Bitcoin media outlets. His articles are read by millions of people each yr looking for the best style to purchase Bitcoin and crypto in their country.

He has likewise written extensively about the history, technology, and business of the crypto globe. Jordan is too the creator of some of the internet's most famous Bitcoin pages, including The Quotable Satoshi and Bitcoin Obituaries.

To learn more about Jordan, see his full bio.


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