What practice we think most when we recall of McDonald'south? The gold arches? Well-baked french fries? Perhaps the delectable Big Mac hamburger? Maybe yous remember the commercials of the sometimes funny and often creepy Ronald McDonald. Whatever y'all recollect, the restaurant has been a fast food icon for decades, bringing families American-way food at reasonable prices. Their popularity has grown to the signal that countries effectually the world take adjusted the eatery into their culture, calculation their own unique twists and nutrient items that reflect their state. Even so, at that place is one thing that as children represents McDonald'southward more than anything else on their bill of fare. That one detail is the Happy Meal.

Ah yes, the Happy Meal. A miniaturized version of the grown-upward meals served in a cardboard box with the gilded arches shining brightly for all children to savor. What made these toys special to children was not the food itself, but rather the hope of a fun toy that came with the meal. While unremarkably just a small piece of plastic that reflected whatever pop civilisation phenomenon was happening at the time, these toys accept become a staple of his iconic fast food franchise. So much so, in fact, that these toys are now worth a small fortune.

Some collectibles range from $l to entire collections worth near $1K. Withal you lot look at it, these toys could make you a lot of money, so join us as nosotros explore 30 McDonalds toys that are worth a fortune at present. You will not believe what nosotros take in shop for you lot.

30 Tater Kids

via YouTube (Happy Repast Toys For Kids)

Everyone knows Mr. White potato Head. Whether information technology'south the original toys or the star of the striking Disney film Toy Story, the Mr. Potato Head line is an incredibly popular line. What is it nearly this little toy shaped to wait similar a spud that drives kids to toy stores?

Is information technology the way y'all can change the outfits and wait of the potato? Perhaps it's the accessories that allow the white potato to go whatever the child's imagination wants. Either way, these toys are extremely pop, and yet, information technology's true value is quite a surprise.

What may shock some of you though is that plain, Mr. and Mrs. Tater Head had kids.

In 1987 McDonald's introduced a line of happy meal toys that were miniature Mr. Potato Caput toys, and there were a total of twelve designs. Today the unabridged set can go for upward to $75 on eBay!

29 Fur-Baby!

via Become Furby

One of the most pop children'southward toys of the 90'southward was undoubtedly Furby. Despite having deadpan optics and rock hard bodies with matted fur, the creatures were a staple of any xc'due south kid. They were then popular in fact that the restaurant with the golden arches paired them with happy meals, and today a collection of eight recently sold for over $900 on eBay.

That's a lot of coin for such a modest and creepy toy.

The toys have a tendency to creep people out with their unblinking eyes, and it's been often reported that these toys have a habit of talking in the middle of the night. Whether information technology's from perishing batteries or something else is upwards for you to determine, but the point is information technology'due south incredible to see that these toys are existence sold at such a loftier price. It's one of the almost expensive collectibles from McDonald's.

28 Hakuna Matata

via The King of beasts King 2 Archive - WordPress.com

It ways no worries, unless you want to buy these adjacent toys. You come across, The Lion Male monarch was one of Disney's most popular franchises, and finding toys from The Lion King 2 is pretty difficult these days. It was one of Disney's biggest movie successes at the time, and the story of Simba and the Pride Lands became such a huge miracle that the film has inspired toys, merchandise, books, and even a huge and successful Broadway prove. With that in mind, information technology'due south no wonder that the franchise spawned a second picture. Despite it non being as commercially successful as the outset, toys from the Lion Male monarch II nevertheless managed to snag a spot in McDonald's happy meals, and now they take earned a identify as a McDonald'south collectible item worth a lot of dough. If you manage to find 1, exist prepared to pay a hefty sum of $50.

27 Beanies and Babies

via Pinterest

In other words, Beanie Babies! These toys are i of the most prized toys to ever come out of McDonald's. Exterior of the restaurant they earned quite a reputation every bit being highly sought after and adorable. These ambrosial bean-filled dolls were paired with happy meals in the early on 2000's, and while experts predicted they'd be valuable in the future, no i could have imagined they'd be priced at over $400 for an average doll and over $750 for the rare Beary the Bear doll. Yous read that right.

A rare beanie baby, known as Beary the Bear, is being sold online for over $750.

How on earth is that possible? Information technology'south so strange to imagine that these toys of simple fabric and beans came together to course one of the collector world's well-nigh infamous fast food collectibles. Then be ready to beat out out a lot of money for these incredibly rare toys.

26 A Picnic Basket!

via Flickr

Hello there Mr. Ranger sir! That'southward right everyone, the love Yogi Bear and his adventures in Jellystone National Park are making an advent in the rare collectible McDonalds toys. Despite the love the original Yogi Behave testify from Hannah Barbera garnered from audiences around the earth, non all of Yogi Carry's adventures were so beloved.

In fact, one show, in detail, proved to be kind of a hit and miss with audiences.

Although the show was a flop, the toys in happy meals for Yo Yogi are vastly popular and tin can fetch for an easy $100 now online. That'south correct, toys from a failed prove all the same managed to go a huge financial success for collectors and sellers. Most people either hate or ignore the shows that fail like that, merely the hardcore collectors are willing to crush out some serious dough for these highly sought-after toys.

25 More than Than Meets The Eye

via Seibertron.com

In the 80's, 1 of McDonald's near pop toys had to exist the Transformers. Based on the hitting toy line turned television receiver and comic book franchise, the story of the Autobots and the Decepticons mesmerized kids. Their never-ending civil war that saw 1 faction fighting for peace and the other for total dominance of the galaxy, the toys were so popular that they currently accept spawned an entire motion picture franchise from Michael Bay. Yet, before their rise to fame in that regard, they commencement tried their hand at happy meal toys. That's right, the galactic robots fighting one another ended up becoming fun little plastic toys for McDonald's afterward all. They were unique considering instead of vehicle robots, they were various nutrient items from the eating house that turned into robots. At present you lot can buy these toys for about $l for a few of them.

24 Despicable

via Flickr

When we call up of collector's items existence made out of onetime McDonald's toys, nosotros tend to imagine toys from decades past, gathering dust in someone's garage and stumbling upon a fortune accidentally. All the same, some of these items are more current cash machines. That's right, toys from as early as v years ago are now worth quite a scrap of money, especially when the toy in question comes from 1 of the world's most pop children's movies, Despicable Me. A more than modern day fortune arrives from the minion toys McDonald's released with happy meals in 2013 for the film Despicable Me ii. The toys are so popular that the figure of Jerry the minion pause dancing is worth $120. It's so strange to imagine such a relatively young toy becoming that pop, let alone garnering enough attention to requite it such a huge monetary value. And then next time yous dismiss a new toy, don't. It could go worth quite a lot of money someday soon.

23 What's In A Theme?

via Geb.ebay.in

Information technology was said that back in the mean solar day if y'all couldn't become your easily on an American Daughter doll, then getting a doll from Madame Alexander was the adjacent best affair. I'm non sure if they were considered the knock-off version of American Girl dolls or were an equal competitor, but either way, these dolls were very popular with young children back in the twenty-four hour period. These dolls oftentimes came with specific themes, and this McDonald'south happy meal version of the Madame Alexander Disney dolls featured their dolls dressed as various Disney characters. From Minnie to Cinderella, these dolls showed their Disney spirit and were bachelor in a wide range of outfits in grapheme looks. These dolls now fetch for $130 on eBay. These are simply the toys from McDonald'southward too. Can you imagine how much money the regular line of dolls is fetching? Peculiarly without the former smell of fries on them.

22 This Is Halloween!

via Reddit

The toys in a happy meal aren't the only pieces of the puzzle that are at present worth a fortune.

You see these magical toys and the meals accompanying them all came in special boxes.

While near of these boxes were just plain red with golden arches for handles, others were a little flake more elaborate. For some, it included pictures from the pop culture references that accompanied the toy itself. Other times McDonald's itself wanted to imprint their brand on a popular holiday-themed item, and this side by side slice of collectors paradise did just that. In the 90'south and 2000's, McDonald's actually upped their happy repast game by including the meal in a collectible Halloween glow in the dark bucket. Now, these buckets can be constitute being sold for over $100 a piece. That's quite a hefty price for a plastic container, but that's why collectors are in such a prized manufacture.

21 Go-Go Gadget

via Reddit

In the 70s, 80s, and 90s, one of the most popular animated franchises was none other than Inspector Gadget. Kids loved the action and take a chance of the half man half robot detective, and he subsequently had a popular line of toys kept in happy meals. If you're looking to catch one of these limited edition happy meal toys, so y'all better be prepared to shell out up to $350. This is a toy that spans decades in popularity and has had time to grow in toll and fame. Whether y'all loved the goofball antics of the character or were fascinated with the notion of a half human being half gadget-wielding robot, these toys are highly sought after and can fetch you a hefty sum if sold today. Information technology'southward easy to see why people hold onto their collectibles with an iron grip. They could just end upward paying your way through college or something.

20 Happy Anniversary

via eBay

Anybody loves Charles Schultz'southward Peanuts. The cartoon story of young Charlie Brownish and his friends just trying to become through everyday life enraptured audiences around the world. Whether it'due south iconic moments like Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown, Linus and Charlie waiting for the Great Pumpkin, or even the sorry little Christmas tree that inspired the children to come together in harmony, the story of Charlie Brown has been around for decades. In the early 2000'southward, the 50th ceremony of Snoopy, Charlie Brownish's beloved domestic dog slash dog house fighter pilot, occurred and garnered his very ain line of toys at McDonald's.

These toys now line up for over $100 a slice.

That's quite a way to gloat the anniversary of one of the world's longest-running newspaper comics and it'due south star. If you managed to hold onto a few of these toys, await a hefty sum coming your mode.

nineteen Muppet Madness

via Reddit

Sometimes toys from shows can become popular. Other times the show spawns spin-offs that become even more pop than the original franchise, and their images and likeness go so revered that they go more valuable than their predecessor. That was the instance for the Muppets, when a spin-off launched that drew a huge fan base that overpowered the original testify and characters. From 1983-1987, a British and American show based on the world of the Muppets came to life and gained serious popularity. The prove was Fraggle Stone, and the toys tin can be found in a set of four for over $200. That's right, over $200 is the price for these widely popular and rare McDonalds toys. The testify Fraggle Rock has get a huge staple in children'south programming, and iconic in its own right. It's no wonder a children'due south testify and then pop would spawn such a huge toll tag on its toy line.

18 Surprise Babies

via eBay

Kermit and Miss Piggy certain did pulsate up quite a lot of business organisation, didn't they? Whether it was the films like A Muppet Christmas Carol or The Muppets Take Manhattan, or the e'er popular show, The Muppets proved to be a mega successful and iconic franchise. Besides Fraggle Rock, the bear witness besides spawned Muppet Babies. You heard me right, Muppet Babies.

In the 90'southward, the Muppet franchise hadn't lost it's popularity.

In fact, it's popularity soared, and it garnered some attention at McDonald's when the toys being put into happy meals were Muppet Babies. Featuring childlike or infant versions of the characters, these toys have become a highly sought-later collector's particular on the cyberspace. These hunks of plastic at present become for about $fifty a piece. That's a lot of money for characters like Fozzie Bear, whose biggest claim to fame was his infamous Waka-Waka jokes on the prove.

17 Use The Forcefulness

via CustomStarWars

In a galaxy not so far away, the Jedi and Sith combined to join an epic happy meal box that is now worth quite a bit more than money than was ever spent to produce information technology, to begin with.

This side by side detail is quite shocking, to say the least.

In 2008 and 2009, McDonald's decided to partner up with the growing popularity of the show Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The show focused on the events between Episodes 2 and 3, with the Republic and Separatist forces fighting a galactic war that brought the Jedi into the office of military commanders, and started the path that would lead to the ascension of Darth Vader himself. Rather than specifically make toys, however, the eating house concatenation decided to brand their happy repast boxes Star Wars themed. These boxes now can be plant beingness sold at $50 a piece on eBay.

xvi Valuable Dance


This next item is something nosotros've actually discussed in a previous article. It was featured equally 1 of the more dangerous toys parents didn't actually know were dangerous, but plain, their danger status hasn't had an impact on their monetary value for collectors. One pop toy that is at present worth over $fifty (more than in its original packaging) is Sky Dancers. These toys (despite being dangerous at times), were pop dolls that when a push button was pressed flew through the air. Their concept was pretty uncomplicated, and notwithstanding children loved these toys and so much that they flocked to McDonald'south to become a glimpse at the surprise waiting for them in their happy meals. It's astonishing i small-scale trivial toy was so popular and all the same so unsafe that it's managed to retain its popularity through the decades, and in the procedure uses that popularity to get collectors to crush out a pretty penny for its buy.

xv Puppy Overload

via TamerOfAstamon - DeviantArt

Nearly anybody around the world knows the story. A family of hundreds of adorable lilliputian pups comes confront to face with a deranged mode designer intent on destroying them for her own personal proceeds. The adventures of Cruella De Ville take become synonymous with villainy and even inspired some live action films in the process. Yet, nix beats the original, peculiarly when that original spawned hundreds of toys that are at present worth a small fortune to whoever is lucky enough to have collected these plastic toys. In 1996, 101 Dalmatians was released to moving-picture show screens everywhere past Disney, and although they became more popular when it was released on VHS, the film was able to garner some big popularity points when McDonald's released information technology to their happy meals. Over 100 toys from the film were bachelor to collect, and now the entire set can exist sold for between $100-$200.

14 Pointless Toys?


Normally when children get a happy meal at McDonald'due south, it's considering they are getting an awesome toy that is related to a specific moving picture, show, or property. Whether it's a superhero movie getting their own toys or a popular cartoon mouse having a special anniversary, McDonald's is usually at the forefront of these upcoming popular franchises and becomes officially partnered with them.

However, what does the restaurant do when no films are immediately available to partner with?

Well in this adjacent case, nosotros come across them become out on a limb and create something themselves. A small space of fourth dimension in the xc'southward found in that location were no films, shows or any popular franchise getting fix to release anything, and so, McDonald's had to find their own toys to release. They released these toys called Space Rescue toys, and although they didn't do anything, they can now exist found for over $100 a piece.

13 Madame Alexander Strikes Once again

via Pinterest

That'south right, the popular doll line had some other pop theme that now garners some large bucks. Previously nosotros talked about how these American Girl doll competitors had made a proper noun for themselves with their Disney themed happy meal toys. The Disney Princess themed dolls with their matching Disney outfits are worth quite a big sum online, and yet, the toy line managed to create still some other themed toy line with McDonald'due south that had young children begging their parents to buy them a happy repast. Madame Alexander'due south Alice in Wonderland themed dolls can fetch for a huge price of $300 online at present. That'due south right, the story of young Alice falling through the rabbit hole straight into the multicolored earth of Wonderland became a huge inspiration for the Madame Alexander doll line, and the dolls individually are worth quite a pocket-sized fortune to whoever was lucky or smart plenty to collect them.

12 Mystery Toy

via Mental Floss

Another prime example of McDonald'due south branching out with their ain unique toys comes in the class of a mystery. Near toys come with simple yet enjoyable tales for children to follow. A line of robots fighting one some other. Cowboys fighting off the police force. Police force officers chasing would-be hamburger robbers.

These children's tales drive their imagination and help them be creative going forrad in life.

However what happens when the toy in question has no origin and wasn't quite explained to the public for consumption? This next toy is something no i quite knows about. Rumor has it they are meant to be underwater aliens, but the Deiner Keishi toys in happy meals in the lxx's now can exist found being sold for $400 on YouTube. The mystery of the toy no uncertainty added to the monetary value of the toys, and whoever was smart enough not to throw out the toys can now brand a pretty penny.

11 Information technology's A Me, Mario!

via Nintendo Wire

That'southward right Nintendo fans, Super Mario got the McDonald's handling, creating half dozen versions of Mario, Princess Peach and Yoshi all getting their own toys. Already having dominated the video game globe and fifty-fifty with a shocking film that Nintendo fans have tried to forget, the earth of Mario delved into the fast food industry, bringing a hazard for children to ain a minor piece of the characters they spent hours staring at a screen playing every bit. Taking the family unit-friendly and action-packed video game franchise and developing a small children'south toy out of it was no easy feat. It takes a lot to skin children away from a screen and become their imaginations working with a small-scale piece of plastic. It'south no wonder the toys themselves fetch for such a huge sum of coin now on the net. These toys tin can now fetch for $100 a slice online.

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